Saturday, August 6, 2011

Save More Money From Duck And Skutik

Save More Money From Duck And Skutik

According to the technical service PT AHM, machine-Matic CV AT Revo brings EFT technology (efficient & low friction technology) such as Absolute Revo. "This technology consists of a textured usage pistons to reduce friction when working piston, piston ring is thin, the trigger valve wear roller (roller rocker arm) and an offset cylinder," beber Endro Sutarno, AHM service training instructor.

The purpose of the offset cylinder is a condition in which when the piston is at top dead point (TDC), the position of the crankshaft big-end is designed not aligned to the crankshaft axis. But rather to the outer bit. "The purpose of this is designed to reduce friction with the piston-cylinder space. The goal is the same, namely to get a more economical fuel efficiency," said Handy Hariko, head of technical service training department of AHM.

So with all the technology had been suppressing friction, plus the use of programed fuel injection (PGM-Fi), the 3rd generation in the fuel system, fail to make gasoline consumption is claimed by Honda is more efficient than the kinds of ducks and their scooter.

"From the tests we do for normal use, AT Revo gasoline consumption could reach 57.7 km / liter," said U.S. Tedjosiswojo, GM's senior technical service division AHM from the introduction to the media early this bike at Planet Hollywood, Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (20 / 7) then. While the motor gear type automatic transmission duck owned by Honda, the most economical only about 54.8 km / liter. Skutiknya'm just see-through 44.2 km / liter.

Rocker arm bearings are used in the Absolute like Revo and Blade in order to minimize friction machine

Equipped decompression system for easy startup

The thickness of the liner still in korter to use standard or oversized piston Kharisma make Kohar 12:50

Dual cooling system. Besides air, there is also the oil cooler oil alias Coller
Another technology that is not less interesting, the cooling system. Handy said Hariko, AT Revo engine cooling is only relying on a gust of wind. But the wind is blowing is not only cool the fins of the cylinder head and cylinder block. But also mengademkan engine oil. Lo, how come?

Because, on the front right engine near the cylinder block, precisely in the second engine cover for centrifugal chamber cover, added a kind of mini oil cooler. In addition, a gust of wind also helped cool the space CV-Matic (machine to the right) through a funnel which is positioned above the engine cover two earlier.

"Air Line CV-Matic deliberately placed on top to reduce the risk of entry of water into the chamber while the motor pulley passed the high water," said Handy again.

Now, about the possibility to upgrade the kitchen pacunya, there are some parts can be touched.For example if you want naikin compression that only 9.0: 1 without the need Papas head, can change the default use of a flat piston or other type of hi-dome. Therefore, when observed, it turns out the contours of the piston head slightly celong AT Revo (concave) into.

In addition, when measured the thickness of the cylinder liner, to 3.8 mm. Well, for that would bore-up for daily usage with a fixed standard liner wear, if the minimum thickness of 2.5 mm spared, means it can use 52.4 mm diameter piston-owned Honda Karisma or Supra X 125. Wear an oversized 0:50 (so the piston diameter 52.9 mm) also are safe

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